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Grupo profesional

Público·147 miembros

Enigma †Sadeness - Part I (Meditation Mix) [Vi...


A great part of what we are doing is a partnership with the Described and Captioned Media Program, funded by the US Dept. of Education. They are distributing our videos to children, parents, and teachers who need access to accessible digital materials. The DCMP is also adding a simultaneous video of an ASL sign interpreter who signs the content for hearing impaired children. Thank you for adding your books to this project!

The guide features the latest facts and statistics, expert tips, and national resources to help combat bullying in the autism community. Unfortunately, those with special needs are particularly vulnerable to being bullied.

Participating teachers observed fewer instances of negative social behaviour after their students participated in Read for Your Rights! They also observed scenarios in which an altercation broke out and children made specific references to the program in attempts to elicit better treatment of one another. 59ce067264

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