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Shaolin Soccer 1080p English 49

directed by undervalued british filmmakerthorold dickinson(gaslight, 1940; the queen of spades, 1949), this is a deliciously zippy comedy-thriller the closest we got to a british thin man reckonedgraham greene with fluidly executed football scenes. it was shot on location at highbury stadium, then the home of arsenal, and, asmartin scorsesesaid: even as someone who cant stand sports soccer, anything with a ball the soccer scenes areexhilarating.

shaolin soccer 1080p english 49

with lots of action, special effects and laughter, kung fu futebol clube is a comedy that tells the story of a group that tries to win a competition at any cost. sing, a skilled shaolin kung fu devotee, has his powerful kick discovered by a football coach. together, do they decide to assemble a team of masters and try to win the attractive prize in cash offered at a national football championship.

the kids got into the west ham united action, which is pretty cool. they also got into shaolin soccershaolin soccer which was a comedy based on the story of a retired soccer player that discovers a kung fu master named sing. they work together to build a soccer team of other kung fu masters, and they compete for big money at a national soccer championship. the movie is pretty funny, using matrix-like technology to make great but ridiculous soccer matches. it is pretty clean. weve included a youtube link below, and the dvd comes with the original chinese version (which we use for this discussion), complete with the english subtitles, and the newer english version, which is actually missing a scene or two and is dubbed in english.

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