If injector.exe is located in a subfolder of the user's profile folder, the security rating is 80% dangerous. The file size is 288,256 bytes (88% of all occurrences) or 584,192 bytes.There is no information about the author of the file. Injector.exe is not a Windows core file. The program has no visible window.Injector.exe is able to manipulate other programs, monitor applications and record keyboard and mouse inputs.
Important: You should check the injector.exe process on your PC to see if it is a threat. If WindowsApplication1 has changed your browser's search engine and start page, you can recover your browser's default settings as follows:
Summary: Average user rating of injector.exe: based on 11 votes with 2 user comments.4 users think injector.exe is essential for Windows or an installed application.4 users think it's probably harmless.One user suspects danger.2 users think injector.exe is dangerous and recommend removing it.9 users don't grade injector.exe ("not sure about it").
The following programs have also been shown useful for a deeper analysis: ASecurity Task Manager examines the active injector process on your computer and clearly tells you what it is doing. Malwarebytes' well-known Banti-malware tool tells you if the injector.exe on your computer displays annoying ads, slowing it down. This type of unwanted adware program is not considered by some antivirus software to be a virus and is therefore not marked for cleanup.
*edit for clarityby opening the actual file, I mean double-clicking on the original reshade injector.exe.When opening reshade injector.exe, two cmd windows open. They close as soon as I launch the game.exe.
You say that "fails". Is there an error message generated? You would likely need to run the batch from the "command prompt" to see that message. Note that the Space between reshade and injector must be in the actual filename. If injector.exe is a file in a subdirectory called reshade, then you need a backslash between reshade and injector.
Download the Windows FS Injector tool for your workstation OS. The Injector tool, winfs-injector, is an executable binary that adds the Windows Server container base image into the product file. This step requires internet access and can take up to 20 minutes.Note: You need the git and tar executables in your %PATH% to run winfs-injector.exe. For example, copy git.exe and tar.exe to a directory in your %PATH%. 041b061a72